A high charge of Ayuso plagiarized his thesis at the same time as Pedro Sanchez

Conception Canoyra resigns after the exclusive ABCLas sources from which you copied Canoyra to make your thesis doctoralLos formal errors should invalidate the thesis of Canoyra

Conception Canoyra , named on August 28, general director of Education Agreed, new area of Government of the Community of Madrid, plagiarized much of his doctoral thesis, entitled “global Marketing: international study of the habits of new customers”. Dr. Canoyra copied to other authors without citing them in whole pages , do not put quotation marks in a lot of paragraphs, textual and even copied and pasted text from web pages such as “The corner of the Vague” and Wikipedia. In addition to these failures of academic integrity -which means the plagiarism in the academic community, the thesis has many other defects of form.

just an hour, after ABC published in its electronic version of the Newsstand and the first edition with the exclusive (23.30 h. yesterday), Canoyra presented his resignation . The president of madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayuso accepted his resignation “convinced that all the high positions of the ministry of Education should set an example to the students,” according to an official statement. In a letter addressed to the minister of Education, Enrique Ossorio, Canoyra justifies its decision on the fact that “I don’t want the past events and the mass media to spread the news around to my doctoral thesis, by a very unjust that they are, have no incididencia on the great project of the Government of the Community.”

The thesis that has forced his resignation, after 36 days in office, has only 113 pages, an extension that is inconsistent with the depth required in a phd. The document is bulkier, but it had to add almost 200 pages most are the result of surveys carried out to teenage students of the colleges of the SEK. Huge Excel table with answers of the students are valid for the field study, but you may not constitute the bulk of a doctoral thesis , according to all scholarly sources consulted by this newspaper.

Comparison of the first two plagiarism of Canoyra professor Olive – ABCCompañera of Sánchez

Canoyra, who was then the director general of the Camilo José Cela University and of the colleges of the SEK, read his thesis in this university on 30 November 2012, just four days after what would Pedro Sanchez. Both belonged to the same department -Business Management and Finances – and within the same Official Program of Doctorate in Economics and Business.

The now-resigned director-general authorised ABC to view your thesis in the library of the Camilo José Cela, where is archived with restricted access, under the supervision of centre workers, but declined to provide a copy. After the insistence of this journal, the high office provided a paper copy to this newspaper last Monday.

Original Alfredo Oliva (page 218) – ABCResto plagiarism of Canoyra (page 100) to Olive – ABCAccedió to deliver the thesis

After the insistence of this journal and with the commitment to “transparency” that claimed the Government of the Community of Madrid, the high office provided a paper copy to this newspaper last Monday .

A first analysis showed the abundant plagiarism, so ABC was yesterday put in contact with Canoyra to obtain their explanations. Attended kindly to this journal and said that “obviously I have written I (the thesis), has not involved anyone else.” Before the evidence of plagiarism was recognized that “sure you’re going to find some phrase that is copied, some paragraph without the reference, I’m not going to cheat” . He justified saying that “this happens in all the theses of this country, the 99 percent.”

Excerpt from the manual of AnetcomLa page – ABC

Despite the dozens of paragraphs, text that contains, Canoyra recognizes that “it is true that I didn’t put quotation marks, there are parts that are not in quotes, but it is a defect of form.” He argues that he did so “without malice”. The paragraphs quoted throughout the thesis are counted with the fingers of one hand.

having put the required quotes, the largest part of the thesis would be quoted , which shows that lack the own contribution of the phd candidate.

In some plagiarism copied to other authors, including its bibliographic references, as if it were she who studied the books , and the articles referred to in the original. In fact, the biliografía demonstrates the decals, as they include references of the original authors who, by contrast, do not appear in your thesis.

Conception Canoyra insists that he put “many references” , but to the parts that lack them merely to assert that “I can’t say more, but I don’t have anything to hide.”

As revealed to ABC last year to the forefront of the thesis of Pedro a. Sánchez, Universidad Camilo José Cela increased on those dates exponentially the doctoral degrees granted, in a time when it did not comply with the minimum standards required, which could entail the closure of the titles that he held.

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