A 35-year-old man has died this Sunday after receiving a shot of a firearm in a real city house, when he was surprised in his interior by the owner of the house, a 77-year-old man who has been arrested by the police

According to EFE sources of the government’s delegation in Castilla-La Mancha, the event has taken place last night, when the owner of the house has heard noises, he has risen from the bed and has turned a man in the
Darkness inside the house, on which he has shot with a firearm, causing him death.

Later, the owner of the house has warned the National Police, which has proceeded to his detention and has opened an investigation to clarify the facts, have added these sources.

The event has occurred at 2.35 hours from last night, in a house located on the Alealaya road, according to EFE emergency service sources 112.

Even the house has been directed agents of the National Police and the local Police of Ciudad Real, as well as a mobile UVI, whose endowment has only been able to certify the death of the man who has skyrocketed, has added 112.