“The most furious and irresponsible opposition of Europe”.
With these words he defines the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, to the parties of the Spanish right, whom he accuses of Lastrated the future of Spain with his lack of support and continuous attacks.

“From the moment of Government Constitution, the opposition has had a single purpose: to tear down the Government,” the head of the Executive has expressed in a letter sent this Sunday to the PSOE militancy in which the political course concludes now

A “hostile attitude”, that of the “right and ultrarage”, which has not prevented Spain from having to “resisted” the “brutal scourge of the pandemic” – “the emergency of the century”, defines – and “advanced” on social rights
, Freedoms and Justice, the president celebrates with the socialist militants.

Sánchez denounces in the Misiva that the parties that form parliamentary opposition in our country – poppy popular, Vox and citizens, mainly – have not shown the Government Coalition “nor a single support, nor in the worst moments, nor a single initiative
In positive, neither in the most elementary issues “.

This way of proceeding – a virulent and implacable “exercise” – is defined by the PSOE Secretary General as “the style of the house of the Spanish right”.
A strategy that, as analyzed, has increased for a year marked by the fight against the virus: “No one could imagine that it would be as far away as to put into play the own European grants that our country deserves and precise and to paralyze functioning
of the capital institutions of our democratic Constitution “.

The President of the Government also accuses the right to block the renewal of the constitutional bodies.
“The opposition has decided to send a message: the Constitution is fulfilled only if it governs the right. Otherwise, it is suspended.”

Precisely, this Sunday, the populars have responded to Sánchez, who, without an advance towards the depolitization of the General Council of the Judicial Power, will not participate in their renovation: “Pedro Sánchez must abandon all hope that the PP will participate in a process in
He who does not advance in judicial independence, “has expressed the Secretary General of the Popular Party, Teodoro García Aegea.

With this blocking context, Sánchez reproaches in his letter to the militants who neither the Constitution, nor the recovery of our economy – to the Moncloa Strategy for the two years remaining from Legislature – or Concord among Spaniards are reason for the
Opposition of stopping his “ferocity”.
“That’s how things are,” he regrets him.

As a solution, Sánchez appeals to choose between the dilemma “Recovery or crispism, hope or ferocity”.
“It’s time to focus our goals, with new forces, with new encouragement, optimism and confidence”.