“We have a minister who is inventing his position every day, and he can not think of anything else than saying that he does not have to eat meat.
He has nothing [more] what to do ».

Thursday, July 8.
The president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-page, explodes against the Minister of Consumption, Alberto Garzón, to launch a campaign in which he encourages the reduction of meat intake for health reasons and for the sake of the planet.
“In Madrid, many tontás are said by political class.”

The minister’s words, says page, “threaten” thousands of workers from a sector, the meat, key in Castilla-La Mancha.
Other socialist barons censure to Garzón.
Even the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, comes out in defense of “a good chuletón to the point”: “That is unbeatable.”

However, despite the rejection expressed by page, its autonomic government also replicates the tendency to reduce meat consumption.
He does it in, at least, two guides edited by the Board of Castilla-La Mancha in which he is committed to this minimization for healthy and ecological purposes.

One of these documents has been drafted by the Sustainable Development Ministry and the General Directorate of the 2030 Agenda, and leads by Title responsible consumption Climate change: Prepared for change?.
In this guide, which has been consulted by the world, is invited on page 43 specifically the same idea that Minister Garzón said: “Reduce your red meat consumption and make sure the meat is of sustainable origin».

In this section it also slides that “the emission of greenhouse gases” and “deforestation” are related to “the need for crops that provide food to intensive livestock, these being the most important impacts of the livestock sector”.

Pages ago, in the 36, it is reflected on the “good idea” that can be “changing diet” to reduce the “water footprint”, that is, to save water.
In this sense, it is indicated that the meat is the product “that more liters of precise water for their elaboration”: each kilogram of veal, is calculated in the guide, requires 15,400 liters of water until it reaches the consumer’s plate.
One chicken, 4,300 liters.

Another document directly dependent on the Board of Castilla-La Mancha is the Food Guide for School Dining, prepared by the General Directorate of Public Health.
In the writing, although it is recommended to consume lean meat between three and four times a week, the consumption of meat in the design of a “generic weekly menu model” is reduced until once a week.

These two cases “gravely tense” against the livestock sector of Castilla-La Mancha, according to the Popular Party.
The leader of the autonomous opposition, Francisco Núñez, has sent a letter to page in which he requires him to withdraw both publications and wrote them again.

In the letter, it is also remembered that, although the socialist leader of the region charged against the campaign designed by Garzón, his party voted against reprobating the minister, as proposed in the autonomic courts.

“It is very healthy to say and do the same,” he puts Núñez to the president of Castilla-La Mancha, because, “as the saying goes, one thing is to preach and another to give wheat.”