Eva Padberg celebrates two birthday parties in January each year: one for her daughter and one the next day for her own special day. But on Friday she “couldn’t do the usual ‘Happy Birthday to me post’,” writes the model on Instagram – because she spent the day in the hospital.

Model Eva Padberg turned 43 on January 27. “Unfortunately, I couldn’t do the usual ‘Happy Birthday to me post’ yesterday,” she said in an Instagram post the next day. You can see the reason for this in the pictures. Padberg can be seen in the photo series with her daughter in the hospital environment.

“After a night and a day in the hospital with our mouse, we are glad that we are all home now and that the mouse is fine,” she writes. “A brief shock that shook the perspective properly.” She feels very much for all families for whom a hospital stay is part of everyday life. “You are superheroes! And a thousand thanks to everyone who thought of me yesterday!”

A few days ago, Padberg congratulated her daughter, who was born on January 26, 2019, on Instagram on her birthday. “Happy Birthday Potato! Four years ago today after 30 hours in the delivery room and a caesarean we were able to hold you for the first time and until now there is nothing we would rather do,” wrote the 43-year-old for a series of family pictures. “Padberg has been in a relationship with the music producer Niklas Worgt since she was 16, and the couple said yes in 2006. Both are known as the DJ duo “Dapayk

His daughter challenges the couple “every day anew”. She makes the two “laugh” and holds them “the mirror” where she can, Padberg explained further in her post. “My brain fog from the last four years due to lack of sleep is slowly clearing and my heart grows with you every day.”

When her daughter was born in 2019, Padberg posted a profile from the hospital with details about the girl. Accordingly, she was born on a Saturday morning at 2:37 a.m., weighed 3830 grams and was 52 centimeters tall. The model wrote: “Best early birthday present ever.”