We’ll know soon more about the aid promised by the State to SNCF. In difficulty, the company has recently reported losses in excess of 4 billion euros. But, for the secretary of State for Transport, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, “there was no emergency”, the group having sufficient liquidity for the time being. The State “will be present at the side” of the SNCF, and clarify his plan “before the start”, by “the end of the month,” he said Wednesday on LCI.

read also : The SNCF will offer Uber its customers

in the longer term, the government also plans to develop the night trains, which will resume on two lines at the beginning of July. “We have a lot of ambitions to the night trains,” commented the secretary of State, adding that a “policy for the promotion and revitalisation” of this means of transport would be conducted in the “coming months”.

The secretary of State is also expressed on the aviation sector. The containment hardened to Beijing will have “too much influence” on the cargo, most of the canceled flights carrying passengers. “The brunt of the epidemic, except in a few areas […] is behind us, but there are what are called the tails of the epidemic, with clusters in some places. The capacity health of nations, however, are able to “treat and contain the spread”, he added.

The european Union is currently discussing on a future re-opening of its borders, in this new context. “The european countries are trying to categorize third countries” according to their level of health, and those who will be “categorized in green will be re-opened”. A complex process, which requires first to identify the situation in european countries, and then in the third country. “This is not simple,” summarized the secretary of State.

Air France will “without suffering social”

So that Orly will reopen its doors on the 26th of June, the parisian airport should not see flights operated by Air France anytime soon. The company habs does, in fact, to offer “30% of its offer in July and 40% in August”, a “recovery is very gradual,” which grows to only operate at Roissy Charles-de-Gaulle airport, this summer, Orly is booked with Transavia. For Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, the support of the State has saved “tens of thousands of jobs” at Air France, but he refused to promise that the coming transformation of the activity of the company, which is expected to be unveiled in the coming weeks, there will be no deleting of post. “The transformation will occur without suffering social and concerted manner”, he however promised, saying that “agreements with the trade unions […], opportunities for mobility or plans of voluntary departure, and when it is possible”, might allow the group to mutate, limiting the negative consequences for employment.