Annalena Baerbock is the result of the “Highest Political Decision” that his partner in the Presidency of the Party, Robert Habeck, says he had taken in his life: renounce the candidacy for the chancellery to give priority to the gender issue.
She took her during a long conversation, face to face, without asking the game.
The Greens accepted without recusing that it was a woman who tried to bring them for the first time to the chancellery and the rest of the rival formations held the election.
Habeck was, in elections that anticipated the fight against climate change between priorities, a harder candidate, more solid intellectually and with government experience, what Baerbock does not have.

Baerbock had no problem in recognizing that gender weighed in its nomination and in fact it has not lacked public intervention in which it did not highlight its status as a mother of two small children whom you want to give a more fair country and a cleaner planet.

Baerbock’s nomination was the first time that the greens openly opted for the chancellery by proposing a candidate, and caused an earthquake in the surveys.
The greens climbed the first place in the surveys and Baerbock looked or saw it at the chancellery.
With the rigorous exams of his past, the greens and Baerbock, they began to come down as a Suflé.
The candidate had not only swollen the curriculum of it but there were plagiarism shadows in her book “Now: How to renew our country” and informed lately of the income of it and her donations to the party.
Baerbock reduced the appearance of her, while the rumor grew that the greens studied the possibility of giving back and taking Habeck.
It was not done and Habeck did not step forward.
But something broke between them.
They have not re-staged the complicity they showed prior to nomination.

The Foreign Ministry, suddenly, seemed great to this 40-year, hyperactive, ambitious and feared policy among the mothers of the school to whom their children go.
There is no weekend in which Baerbock does not propose any activity or meeting that he attempts to audit.

Baerbock grew up on a hippie farm in the vicinity of Hannover’s city.
The parents of him, he, Industrial Engineer and her social psychologist, were ecologists and pacifists, so in the memories of Children there are demonstrations against nuclear energy and peace in the world.
In his teenage stage she was an elite athlete, with three bronze medals on trampoline.
In 1994 she was even part of the German delegation of gymnastics in the Youth Championships of Portugal.
The injuries put an end to her’s career.

It preserves, however, the attitude of overcoming the athlete: In both areas “is truly needed,” he said in a recent documentary of the Public Chain NDR.
In the jump, “to each new figure you learn, you do not know if you will land with your head or feet or where,” Baerbock said, “so you have to be able to evaluate you incredibly well; You have to know your strengths and your limits.

In 2004, by celebrating EU enlargement on the border with Poland, he felt the practical application of his Bachelor of Political Science, which later expanded with a master’s degree in the London Business School.
A year later, in a period of practices in Strasbourg with an eurodiputate of the Greens, he sharpened the party.
Interestingly, in 2005, it was when alliance 90 / greens came out of power after two consecutive legislatures as a partner of the coalition government of Social Democrat Gerhard Schröder.
It was also the year in which Angela Merkel reached the chancellery, the first woman in achieving him in the history of Germany.

From 2008 to 2013 he worked for the parliamentary group in the area of international relations and security, a job that allowed him to acquire experience and weave a network of contacts in all the wings of the party.
She obtained the first act of deputy of her in 2013. In 2018 she was elected, along with Habeck, co-president.

Baerbock is married to the political adviser and expert in public relations, Daniel Holefleisch, who will be responsible for the domestic tasks and two daughters of marriage, 6 and 10 years old, if it reaches the chancellery.
The surveys foresee that she will stay at the doors.
He would be vicecanciller.