2024 starts. These days there are many who consult the holiday calendar for the first time in order to organize the year. But there are also those who are looking for another type of calendar to know the main appointments with the sky during the next 12 months. For this last group, we offer the 2024 lunar calendar, with all the phases of the moon month by month, and with the dates of all meteor showers, eclipses and beginnings of seasons. This is this year’s astronomical agenda:

Moon phases:

Starfall: The Quadrantids are visible between December 28 and January 12. Peak activity, with up to 120 meteors per hour, occurs during the early hours of Wednesday, January 3, to Thursday, January 4.

Earth’s orbit: minimum distance to the Sun, January 3 (147,100,614 km)

Moon phases:

Moon phases:

Beginning of spring: March 20 (at 4:06 a.m.)

Penumbral lunar eclipse: March 25. Visible in America, western Europe (Spain), Africa and eastern Australia.

Moon phases:

Total solar eclipse: April 8. Visible as a total in Mexico, the Central United States and eastern Canada. Visible as partial in North and Central America.

Starfall: the Lyrids. Visible between April 16 and 25. The 22nd will be the time of maximum activity in 2024.

Moon phases:

Meteor shower: the Eta Aquarids. Visible between April 19 and May 28. May 5 will be the peak time in 2024.

Moon phases:

Start of summer: June 20, at 10:51 p.m.

Moon phases:

Meteor shower: the Delta Aquarids. Visible between July 12 and August 23. July 31 will be the peak time in 2024.

Earth’s orbit: maximum distance to the Sun, July 5 (152,100,075 km).

Moon phases:

Starfall: the Perseids. Visible between July 17 and August 24. August 12 is the time of maximum activity.

Moon phases:

Start of autumn: September 22, at 2:44 p.m.

Partial lunar eclipse: September 18. Visible in America, Europe (Spain) and Africa.

Moon phases:

Annular solar eclipse: October 2. Visible as annular in southern Chile and southern Argentina and as partial in the Pacific and southern South America.

Meteor shower. The Dracomids take place from October 6 to 10, with October 8 as the day of maximum activity. Shortly after, the Oriomids will be visible between October 2 and November 7, with October 21 being when these meteors reach their highest rate of activity.

Moon phases:

Meteor shower: the Leonids. Visible between November 6 and 30, with the 17th being the time of maximum activity.

Moon phases:

Meteor Shower: The Geminids will be visible from December 4 to 17, with a peak on the 14th. The Ursids will erupt between December 17 and 26, with the 22nd as the time of maximum activity.

Start of winter: December 21, at 10:21 a.m.