What you don’t do for the dream house: Six couples camped for weeks in front of an Upper Swabian community hall for a building site – and have now been rewarded for their perseverance.

Erlenmoos (dpa/lsw) – For four weeks, applicants camped in front of the community hall in Erlenmoos for six building sites. The small town in the district of Biberach had allocated the building sites using the so-called first-come-first-served procedure – which meant for interested parties: first come, first served. The couples were awarded the contract on Thursday. Südwestrundfunk (SWR) had previously reported on it.

It didn’t take long for the first applicants to appear with their mobile homes on the square in front of the community hall, said Schmid. Everyone was very well prepared. With powers of attorney for grandma, grandpa, uncle or acquaintances, the men and women were also allowed to leave their places. They did not have to be personally on site for the procedure.

Schmid said that the Upper Swabian municipality opted for the rather unusual greyhound procedure for reasons of legal certainty. “It’s objective, transparent, clear and structured.” And it was also very orderly. “It was something special for us.”

The municipal council only has to decide on the sale to those who are willing to buy – then it goes to the notary. According to Schmid, a square meter in the municipality cost 125 euros. Buyers now have five years to build a house.