Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria want to appear more often with a common voice in Berlin in order to represent their position towards the traffic light coalition more strongly. Among other things, the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) renewed the idea of ​​a separate South Prime Ministers’ Conference, in which the states of Hesse and Baden-Württemberg and the Free State could coordinate more closely. The countries are currently coordinating, said Söder on Tuesday in Stuttgart after a conversation with the Baden-Württemberg CDU parliamentary group. “It will take place, we’ll do it together,” said Söder.

There is already an East MPK and a North MPK, which often coordinate their demands. “Now it’s time for the south to formulate its own demands,” said the Bavarian head of government.

The southern branch of the CDU and CSU has proven itself for both countries, said CDU faction leader Manuel Hagel after a meeting. “In this time of crisis, this togetherness is more necessary than ever.” The traffic light coalition did not see and appreciate the achievements of southern Germany enough. “We are left hanging by traffic lights far too often,” criticized Hagel. “That has to end.”