Baden-Baden (dpa / lsw) – At the leasing company Grenke, the previous CFO Sebastian Hirsch is moving permanently to the top of the company. CEO Michael Bücker is finally leaving and will leave the group on February 28, as the company announced on Thursday evening. The appointment of the 61-year-old manager had been revoked in November due to illness until that date. Hirsch had already taken over his duties as Bücker’s deputy.

The change of boss entails a reorganization in the finance department: After a transition and familiarization phase, in which Hirsch also heads the department, Martin Paal is to take on the chief role there. He has been responsible for controlling at Grenke since 2022. With the appointment of 41-year-old Hirsch and 43-year-old Paal, Grenke also ushered in a generational change.