Bruchsal/Ludwigsburg (dpa/lsw) – In view of the increasing corona numbers, some clinics in Baden-Württemberg are again tightening the access regulations for visitors. From the weekend, only one visitor per patient and day will be allowed into the RKH Fürst-Stirum-Klinik Bruchsal and the RKH Rechbergklinik Bretten (both in the district of Karlsruhe), said the RKH Regionale Kliniken Holding und Services GmbH based in Ludwigsburg friday with This is to protect patients and staff.

“Whether there will be a further restriction of the visitor regulation over the next week, i.e. a visitor stop, depends on further developments in the next few days,” it said. As before, visitors would have to prove a negative rapid antigen test that is not older than 24 hours and wear an FFP2 mask.

The current high dynamics of new infections are leading to a rapidly increasing number of Covid 19 patients and growing staff shortages in the clinics, the clinic operator argued in his statement. “Therefore, there is an increasing scarcity of patient beds, primarily in the area of ​​the normal ward.”

Restrictions due to the corona pandemic are no exception in the hospitals in the south-west: the Stuttgart Clinic points out on its website that, to protect patients and employees, there should only be a maximum of two visitors per patient per day. “Unfortunately, visiting siblings is not possible at the moment.” At the University Hospital in Tübingen it says: “Visit opportunities are still limited and are checked by the staff of the University Hospital. Visitors present current negative proof from an official test center and wear an FFP2 mask.”