The head of government wants to use “swarm intelligence” to save masses of energy. A package of measures is to be developed at the summit meeting with business, local authorities and suppliers. What do consumers need to be prepared for?

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – With a gas summit, the green-black state government wants to prepare for a possible shortage in autumn and winter today (10 a.m.). Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) invited around 40 representatives from business, trade unions, municipalities and utilities to the New Palace in Stuttgart. The main aim is to collect suggestions on how consumers and industry can save energy quickly.

The head of the Federal Network Agency, Klaus Müller, will be connected to the meeting. Above all, industry and trade want to know from him what they have to reckon with in a shortage. In principle, private households have priority over companies in the event of gas supply failures. The question is, however, which companies are classified as systemically important and then continue to be supplied.

Kretschmann wants to prepare the country in case Russia further cuts gas supplies to Germany in response to Western sanctions over the attack on Ukraine. After the meeting there will be a press conference (12.30 p.m.) with, among others, the head of government, city council president Peter Kurz and EnBW boss Frank Mastiaux.