Stuttgart/Rottenburg (dpa/lsw) – Lay theologians are given permission to baptize in the diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart. The local parish and pastoral councils should now decide by Easter whether the baptism should be taken over by the pastoral and parish officers. This is a step towards more equality in the Catholic Church, it said. The impetus for this came from a women’s forum organized by the diocesan council in April 2021. In early autumn 2023, the assignments will then take place in central celebrations by the diocesan instructions.

The new regulation is based on a decree by Bishop Gebhard Fürst, which will come into force at the beginning of November. As a bishop, canon law gives him the opportunity to transfer the act of baptism to people who do not hold the ordained office, explained Auxiliary Bishop Matthäus Karrer on Thursday in Stuttgart, according to the announcement.

Normally, baptism is administered by a priest or deacon. In the meantime, because of the shortage of priests, lay theologians such as pastoral or community officers are also allowed to baptize in some places, for example if they have completed the preparation for baptism. But this is the exception and is only possible with a special episcopal commission.