Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – In the opinion of the Baden-Württemberg Environment Minister Thekla Walker, solar power could also be generated well on old landfills. “Former waste dumps offer valuable areas that we can use for photovoltaic systems. We must not let this potential escape us,” said the Green Minister of the “Heilbronner Voice” (Wednesday). According to the Ministry of the Environment, the Baden-Württemberg State Institute for the Environment has examined how many former landfill sites could be used to install systems and produce large amounts of electricity.

A spokeswoman for the ministry quoted the newspaper as saying that a total of 81 old landfills were examined more intensively. This revealed potential for photovoltaic systems on an area of ​​around 125 hectares with a possible total nominal output of 123 megawatts peak. Megawatt peak describes the maximum electrical output of a solar system with optimal solar radiation.

In the study, 175 out of almost 400 former landfills were pre-selected, of which 81 were examined in depth. The landfills where no plants can be installed were previously filtered out.