Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – After coming out as a washcloth fan and the lengthy debate about his rather casual statement in an interview, the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) was given the gift of all things by the opposition. The head of government accepted a washcloth warmer from the hands of the FDP parliamentary group leader Hans-Ulrich Rülke on Wednesday in the state parliament.

Kretschmann had said in mid-August, with a view to the energy crisis, that you don’t have to shower all the time, that the washcloth is also a “useful invention”. With the statement he had caused quite a stir. Among other things, he had to listen to the fact that he wanted to patronize citizens and set wrong priorities. Kretschmann later added that he had been using a washcloth for a long time. “It just saves time that you have later at breakfast. And I just don’t have much time.”

As a liberal, he does not even question Kretschmann’s personal relationship with the washcloth, Rülke said in the state parliament. “Of course, that also belongs to the core area of ​​​​the executive, protected by executive privilege.” However, the Greens politician could save even more time with a washcloth warmer, “if maybe the water is cold in Sigmaringen in the morning,” joked Rülke, laughing across factions.