Heilbronn (dpa/lsw) – According to a newspaper report, the Greens want to see photovoltaic systems installed on all roofs in Baden-Württemberg by 2035. This is reported by the “Heilbronner Voice” and the “Südkurier” (Saturday), citing a paper in which the Greens’ and the CDU’s demands for changes to the climate protection law have been summarized.

“By January 1, 2035, a photovoltaic system for generating electricity must be installed on the roof area suitable for solar use, even in buildings that have already been constructed, without the need for a fundamental roof renovation,” is the Greens’ parliamentary group’s proposal for the wording of the law.

The spokesman for the Green Group said: “We are in the middle of talks on the climate protection law.” Of course, there were a number of points and ideas to be discussed. The talks are being held in a trusting atmosphere within the coalition and there is confidence that a good package for climate protection will be put together.

Since May 1st, there has been a requirement in Baden-Württemberg that new buildings must have a photovoltaic system on the roof. From January 1, 2023, this obligation also applies to fundamental roof renovations. According to the report, the Greens in the state parliament now want to ensure that photovoltaic systems are installed on all suitable residential buildings by 2035. The paper also contains the assessment of the Ministry of the Environment. It reads: This is a new proposal for the climate protection law, which is now to be decided politically.

The Greens and the CDU are currently negotiating the new climate protection law, which is due to come out in the fall. The talks in the coalition about the amendment to the law have been going on for some time and are reportedly difficult. The southwest wants to be the first federal state to include targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions for all areas in the Climate Protection Act. The country aims to become climate-neutral by 2040. Previously, 90 percent by 2050 was the goal. Climate neutrality means that only as many greenhouse gases may be emitted as can be bound again.