Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – The state leaders of the Southwest Greens, Lena Schwelling and Pascal Haggenmüller, are critical of the demands for a new course in migration policy from the “Vert Realos” group. “Debates about simple sham solutions” are doing the local authorities a disservice, the state leaders told the German Press Agency in Stuttgart on Monday. “We’re glad that there’s a lot of consensus in our party.” The municipalities are facing “real challenges that require real solutions”. Tübingen’s Lord Mayor Boris Palmer was one of the signatories to the manifesto of the “Vert Realos”, a group of so-called real politicians with the Greens.

The manifesto states, for example, that there is still “no concept for successful integration or the consistent return of refugees to their homeland as soon as this is justifiable or they want it themselves”. And further: The granting of asylum also presupposes that asylum seekers participate in the admission procedure and do not become criminal.

A spokeswoman for the state government said that the position paper was an intra-party contribution to the debate and should be seen as such. “In our refugee policy in the country, we follow the guidelines of humanity and order laid down in the coalition agreement.” That means: “A pragmatic, responsible and orderly refugee policy has both sides in mind.” She uses leeway to give well-integrated refugees a perspective. “And she consistently uses all legal means against those who have forfeited their right to stay.” Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann, the only Green state leader in Germany, belongs to the Realo wing of his party.