Baden-Württemberg: SPD: Pressure because of "education billion" from Corona pot

For weeks, the SPD has been demanding massive investments in schools and daycare centers. The money is said to come from the country’s unspent Corona billions. Now the party wants to use the state parliament again to put pressure on the government.

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – In the ongoing debate about the lack of equipment in schools and daycare centers, the SPD continues to urge the state government to make massive investments from the state’s billion-dollar corona reserves. While the Ministry of Finance insists that it is not yet possible to draw a line under the Corona costs, the SPD contradicts. The green-black government had been granted 14.6 billion euros by the state parliament to deal with the corona crisis and its consequences, said SPD party and parliamentary group leader Andreas Stoch. “And if we are still experiencing negative after-effects of the school closures, if the pandemic has made certain problems obvious – what else is all of this supposed to be but a consequence of the Corona crisis?”

The SPD has once again put the question of the required “education billion” on the agenda of the Baden-Württemberg state parliament. In a current debate, the government wants to see them on Wednesday (9:00 a.m.) under the title “Education billion for Baden-Württemberg: the state must now invest in schools and day-care centers!” pressure again so that at least part of the money from the remaining Corona funds is invested. From the SPD’s point of view, this is possible “without reallocating the Corona aid funds”.

The corona pandemic and its consequences have so far cost the country around five billion euros less than planned, said Stoch. Among other things, 1000 additional teachers are now important to prevent class failures, as well as more IT specialists for the schools, a specialist offensive for the daycare centers and new school psychologists.

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