Garmisch-Partenkirchen (dpa / lby) – After the train accident with five dead and almost 70 injured in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, the locomotive and the last wagon are now to be recovered. A spokesman for Deutsche Bahn announced that the last parts of the train should be recovered on Tuesday (11:30 a.m.) with the help of a special rail crane.

At midday on June 3rd, a regional train from Garmisch-Partenkirchen to Munich derailed. Four women and a 13-year-old died, other passengers were injured, some seriously. The cause of the accident is so far unclear. The police have set up a special commission with around 50 employees. The public prosecutor’s office is investigating an initial suspicion of negligent homicide against three railway employees.

Since the accident, other wagons had already been removed from the scene of the accident. In order to recover the locomotive, however, the track still had to be repaired so that the rail crane could even get to the scene of the accident.