Munich (dpa/lby) – The Bavarian bakers and bakery sellers are going into the upcoming wage round with a demand of 7.5 percent more. At least one demands a surcharge of 200 euros, said the NGG union on Wednesday. The first round of negotiations for around 60,000 employees is scheduled to take place on October 17th.

At the moment there are even individual wage groups that are below the new minimum wage of 12 euros per hour, said NGG representative Kurt Haberl. In this area they demand 13 euros. Even trained bakery saleswomen with industry experience have so far only come to 13.67 euros per hour. You often earn more as a shelf clearer in retail, which is why there is sometimes a migration and a shortage of skilled workers.

Haberl does not expect an agreement on the first day of negotiations and then believes warning strikes are possible – even if not across the board. “I fear that we will not find a satisfactory solution through normal negotiation.” The requirement is below the inflation rate.