Nuremberg (dpa / lby) – After the aid for the economy, the Bavarian cabinet has now also launched the announced hardship fund for the health sector, social, cultural institutions and clubs. In addition, the state government wants to help citizens who are in danger of slipping into the area of ​​social assistance due to the burden of the energy crisis – up to 30 million euros are to be made available for this initially. The entire package, which is intended to close possible gaps in the federal government’s energy aid programs, has a volume of around 600 million euros.

A total of 800 million euros would initially be available – including the hardship fund for the economy – said Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) after the cabinet meeting in Nuremberg on Tuesday. Almost half of the funds of 1.5 billion provided for in the budget are still available as a “reserve”, as Söder said.

In detail, the newly resolved hardship fund provides, among other things: 251 million euros for clinics, the rehabilitation and preventive care sector and outpatient services; 177 million euros for providers and institutions of the social infrastructure including the student unions; 30 million euros for the area of ​​sport, including for clubs; EUR 51.5 million for culture, including cinemas; and 20 million euros for bus companies to ensure local public transport.

Non-university research institutions, private educational institutions, academies and foundations, animal shelters, traditional associations and private providers of lunchtime care can also rely on help. Last week, the cabinet launched energy hardship aid for small and medium-sized companies.