Fürth (dpa/lby) – According to estimates by the State Office for Statistics, the Bavarian grain harvest is 6.1 million tons at the level of the previous year, but 6.7 percent below the average of the past five years. The yield measurements evaluated so far and the yield estimates of the official reporters have shown this, the state office announced on Monday.

Winter wheat is the most extensive type of grain in Bavaria. Here, the yield per hectare fell to 70 quintals and thus by 1.4 percent compared to the previous year. The winter barley yield is estimated at 68 quintals per hectare, which is a slight decrease of 0.9 percent compared to the previous year.

In the case of spring barley and winter rape, on the other hand, the harvest volume increased even more than the area under cultivation. According to the state office, the average yield per hectare of spring barley rose by 2.6 percent to 51 quintals. In the case of winter rape, the average yield per hectare even rose by 6.2 percent to 39.7 quintals.

The sowing of the winter grain in autumn 2021 was done in good time. The mild winter was followed by a sunny and dry spring, a very warm May and a summer with many hot days and extreme drought.