Augsburg/Munich (dpa/lby) – Two Bavarian universities have been recognized as particularly founder-friendly. In the study by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, the Munich University of Applied Sciences and the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences took top positions. The Munich institution took first place among the large universities with more than 15,000 students in the “Start-up Radar 2022”, the Augsburg-based institution took the top position among the medium-sized universities. The HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management was able to assert itself among the small universities with fewer than 5,000 students.

“While the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences has achieved this top position for the first time, the Munich University of Applied Sciences already achieved the top spot in the 2012 and 2016 surveys,” reported the Stifterverband. The study examined how the founding of companies is promoted at 196 universities. Bavaria’s Science Minister Markus Blume (CSU) said on Thursday that the ranking shows that the framework conditions for start-ups are right in Bavaria. “Capital, ideas, talent – this is the soil on which sustainable progress and new value creation grow,” he said.

Figures from 2021 were used for the investigations. According to this, there were almost 2,800 start-ups at the universities at the time – 12.8 per 10,000 students. Two years earlier, there were 10.5 start-ups for every 10,000 students. In the two years, the number of employees at the universities who take care of the young founders has almost doubled to more than 1,300. The start-up study is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics, among others.