Munich (dpa / lby) – According to a study, more than half of Bavarian companies complain about problems in filling vacancies. According to a survey by the Bavarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BIHK), the hospitality industry is particularly affected: 62 percent of tourism companies reported staff shortages, the BIHK announced on Thursday in Munich. In industry and construction, 59 percent of the companies surveyed find it difficult to fill vacancies quickly, 55 percent in the service sector and 49 percent in trade. The BIHK had surveyed 3400 companies for this.

“When competing for every single employee, companies must above all present themselves as attractive employers,” said BIHK General Manager Manfred Gößl. Two-thirds of the companies surveyed are working on it. Every second company relies on more training and an easier compatibility of family and career. Easier immigration of workers from third countries is also necessary, said Gößl. “The economy urgently needs a skilled labor immigration law with practical regulations. The current rules are far too complicated.”