Munich (dpa / lby) – After severe weather warnings due to ice, there is now a risk of heavy rain and storms in some parts of Bavaria. The German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Wednesday that the onset of continuous rain and thawing on Thursday in the Allgäu have some potential for severe weather. In the night of Thursday, in the south-east of Bavaria, local slippery weather due to freezing wet must also be expected.

Despite a black ice warning from the DWD for Lower Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate, the situation on the roads remained relaxed on Wednesday. The DWD initially feared skids on the motorways and roads. However, the police headquarters in Lower Bavaria and Upper Palatinate did not find a particularly high number of accidents, as police spokesmen said.

According to the DWD, the situation should continue to relax by the weekend. The risk of slippery conditions is rather low from Friday. However, it could be stormy locally. At the summits of the low mountain ranges and at lower altitudes in Swabia and Upper Bavaria, stormy gusts of up to 70 kilometers per hour are possible from Thursday. It is also expected to remain stormy on Friday.