Munich (dpa/lby) – Despite the Corona crisis, employees in the Free State were significantly less sick last year than in previous years. “With an average of 10 days of absence, the employees of the Free State do even better than many comparable areas of the private sector,” said Finance and Homeland Minister Albert Füracker (CSU) on Friday.

Absences in the public sector fell by 0.5 working days to 10.0 working days compared to 2019, it said. The rate, i.e. the proportion of sick days in the total number of working days in 2021, fell to 4.0 percent. The value has been falling continuously since 2016. Employees of the federal administration, on the other hand, are sick for almost twice as long (18.02 days absent in 2020).

“The low absenteeism reflects the high level of motivation, satisfaction and identification of the civil servants with their tasks,” said Füracker. At the same time, it is proof of the high attractiveness of the public service and a strong administration in Bavaria. “This low value is all the more gratifying because absenteeism has not increased despite the burden of the corona pandemic, but has actually decreased.”