Dresden (dpa / sn) – The aid organization Weißer Ring has complained about a lack of compensation for victims in Saxony. “Anyone who, as a victim of an act of violence, demands the financial compensation they are entitled to from the state should better not rely on Saxony,” said the organization on Friday in Dresden. Last year, the municipal social association stamped more than half of the applications under the Victim Compensation Act as “done for other reasons” (54.8 percent). Such reasons could be, for example, the transfer of the case to another federal state, the withdrawal of the application by the person concerned or the death of the applicant.

These settlements are mostly to be seen as rejections, because those affected receive no support, explained the regional head of the White Ring, Geert Mackenroth. The low value of the recognitions (23.4 percent) is also a cause for concern: “The state in Saxony did not even help a quarter of the victims, that is far too little. Victims must come to their right to compensation.”

Mackenroth recalled that with the Victim Compensation Act (OEG) passed in 1976, the state committed itself to supporting victims of violent crimes such as bodily harm, domestic violence or sexual abuse. According to the law, the state should, for example, cover the costs of medical treatment or pension payments. Mackenroth also called for faster processing. There are cases that have been going on for years. “I can well understand that this is difficult for many of those affected to bear and that they are withdrawing their applications.”

“2021 was a very bad year for victims who were affected by violence. The OEG is a good law, but the state does not keep its promise of help. The support does not reach those affected,” explained Jörg Ziercke, Federal Chairman of the White Ring, with a view of all of Germany. A cultural change is needed in the offices: “The authorities must check for recognition, not for rejection. In Germany, the guiding principle must apply: In case of doubt, for the victim.”