Munich (dpa / lby) – Believers and high-ranking representatives of politics, church and society from all over Bavaria travel to the funeral service for Benedict XVI. to Rome to say goodbye in person. Deputations are on their way from the seven dioceses. Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) flies to Rome with a delegation. Among other things, Head of State Chancellery Florian Herrmann (CSU) and President of the State Parliament Ilse Aigner will attend the funeral service on Thursday.

Cardinal Reinhard Marx will take part in the funeral service for the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, in which Benedict was Archbishop from 1977 to 1982 as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. Regensburg’s Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer, Passau’s Bishop Stefan Oster and Eichstätt’s Bishop Gregor Maria Hanke are also arriving, according to the diocese spokesman. Archbishop Ludwig Schick, who has resigned, is coming from the Archdiocese of Bamberg.

The Bavarian Pilgrim Office has sent three buses. Groups also travel to Rome from Benedikt’s birthplace Marktl am Inn and from his later place of residence Pentling. Around 200 Bavarian mountain riflemen want to leave on Wednesday to accompany Benedict on his final journey. Bavarian costumes, a flag delegation and a delegation from the volunteer fire brigade also want to pay tribute to Benedict.