Hof (dpa / lby) – A drunk stated on a regional train from Hof ​​to Bayreuth that he was carrying a weapon – and triggered a major police operation. A traveler informed the police by phone about the man, who is said to have insulted passengers with right-wing slogans, as the federal police announced on Thursday evening.

As a result, track closures were initiated on Wednesday afternoon before the regional express drove into Bayreuth main station. There were train delays. Those waiting at two platforms were asked to leave them temporarily.

After the arrival of the RE3088 with about 100 passengers, the 40-year-old man from Saxony was arrested. No weapons were found on him – but two half bottles of vodka, a bottle of beer and several empty beer cans, it was said.

The man refused a breath alcohol test. A blood draw was ordered. The 40-year-old was finally released. Among other things, he has to answer for incitement to hatred, threats and disturbance of the public peace.