Years ago, drone footage helped a serious criminal escape from France. Accordingly, Bavarian prisons also register drone flights over their walls. The Ministry of Justice also relies on high-tech to ward off dangers.

Munich (dpa / lby) – Around half a dozen times this year drones buzzed in the immediate vicinity of Bavarian prisons – a risk. Even with inexpensive entry-level models, not only escape routes could be scouted out in this way, the Ministry of Justice in Munich explained to the German Press Agency. “But above all the introduction of mobile phones, drugs or weapons pose a threat to the security of our prisons.” In addition, drones are now able to transport loads of up to 100 kilograms. “An outbreak with the help of a drone can therefore probably not be ruled out either.”

“The danger posed by drones must be taken seriously,” emphasized the ministry. “There have already been two attempts to fly in cell phones and drugs.” This year, six drone flights near or over Bavarian prisons were sighted in Bavaria by the end of November, although a distance of 100 meters is required by law. Last year there was one unauthorized overflight, in 2020 nine. There were a total of 64 sightings in Bavaria between 2015 and the end of November 2022.

Fixed reaction processes were therefore established in the prisons when a drone was discovered and, in some cases, close-meshed attachment grilles were attached to the cell windows, it said. In October 2020, 8 of the 36 Bavarian institutions were also equipped with the mobile drone defense system “Dropster” in a pilot project. A net several square meters in size is shot, which unfolds in the air and blocks the rotors of a drone, causing it to crash. The JVA Amberg was also equipped with a drone detection system a year ago.

The fact that drones in prisons pose a security risk was already impressively demonstrated in the summer of 2018. The ministry recalled that at the time, a high-ranking member of organized crime managed a spectacular escape from the French prison in RĂ©au. Previously, his accomplices had scouted out the local conditions of the prison for a long time using drones.