Munich (dpa / lby) – The Bavarian Health Minister Klaus Holetschek rejects a possible increase in the additional contributions to the statutory health insurance. “I currently consider an increase of 0.3 percentage points, as the Federal Minister of Health announced on Tuesday, to be unacceptable. In times of high inflation, we have to relieve the burden on the citizens, not burden them additionally,” said Holetschek on Tuesday in Munich.

“I appeal to the federal government, especially the finance minister and the health minister, to reconsider their plans in favor of the citizens,” said the CSU politician.

Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) had declared in Berlin that the additional contribution should increase by 0.3 percentage points. This is expected to bring in between 4.8 and 5 billion euros. The contribution increase should be part of a package of measures to cover a deficit of 17 billion euros. There will be no cuts in performance. The average additional contribution will be finally determined by an official group of appraisers in autumn.