Munich (dpa / lby) – Bavaria’s Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU) warns of the collapse of many facilities. “Many clinics and health care facilities in our country are about to be knocked out,” he said, according to a statement on Tuesday in Munich. “Inflation and the energy crisis are causing cost explosions, which ultimately endanger people’s supply.”

In a joint appeal with the Bavarian Hospital Society, the Sana Clinics, the Bavarian districts and the Bavarian Association of Cities, Holetschek called on the federal government to ensure stable and long-term secured financing of healthcare facilities.

“Almost all healthcare facilities have been hit hard by the high energy and material costs, the consequences of the pandemic and personnel problems,” said Holetschek. “The situation is really serious and requires quick and decisive action.”

The Vice President of the German Hospital Society (DKG), Thomas Lemke, warned: “The hospitals are facing economic collapse.” There is already a “dramatic supply bottleneck”.