Munich (dpa/lby) – For more than 20,000 trainees in Bavaria, the final exams in companies from industry, trade and services begin on Tuesday and Wednesday. As the Bavarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BIHK) announced in Munich on Monday, the written final exams will start in over 60 commercial and related professions, including retail, banking and industrial clerks.

From December 6th, there will be exams in more than 130 technical professions, such as industrial mechanics, mechatronics technicians and electronics technicians.

In addition to the written part, the trainees must also take an oral or practical test. More than 28,000 honorary examiners from Bavarian companies and teachers from vocational schools conduct the final examinations. According to the BIHK, the Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHK) oversee around 60 percent of all training courses in Bavaria.