Munich (dpa / lby) – The Munich transport company (MVG) expects bottlenecks around the Robbie Williams concert at the weekend – even though the underground capacity is to be tripled at times. The MVG recommended on Thursday to “plan more time for the routes before and after the concert and to examine alternatives”.

Around 130,000 people are expected to attend the concert by the ex-“Take That” singer on Saturday evening at the Munich exhibition center. Especially after the end of the concert, it will probably mean “Please be patient” for many, as the MVG announced. According to the information, the subway entrance Messestadt-Ost will then be closed for security reasons, only the entrance Messestadt-West should be open.

“The organizer doses the flow of visitors, which can lead to longer waiting times on the way to the subway,” said the MVG. If the underground station is still overcrowded, it will be closed until there is enough space again.

As an alternative, MVG recommends the S-Bahn from the Riem and Feldkirchen stations. But be careful: At the weekend, the main S-Bahn line between Ostbahnhof and Donnersberger Bridge is also closed due to construction work. If you want to go downtown, you have to plan detours. After the concert, the S2 runs non-stop from the Ostbahnhof to the main station, the S8 to Pasing. According to the MVG, the concert organizer offers a free bus shuttle to the city center.

The appearance of Williams (“Angels”) is the third mega concert at the Munich exhibition center this month. At the beginning of August, more than 90,000 people listened to Andreas Gabalier, and on August 21 around 130,000 people came to experience Helene Fischer’s only concert in Germany. In social media, fans reported chaos on departure, especially after the Fischer concert.