Bergen (dpa / mv) – Fake book sellers tricked an 88-year-old woman from the island of Rügen. As a police spokeswoman said on Thursday, the pensioner lost 70,000 euros in the scam. The fraudsters told the victims that they could sell their allegedly valuable book collection in Switzerland for a profit. The woman paid the scammers 70,000 euros to make it work.

She was told that the money would be returned once the sales were settled. But a short time after the money was handed over, the elderly woman was no longer able to reach the men and filed a complaint.

What is remarkable about the case is that the men already had the data of the 88-year-old, which is probably why she did not suspect anything. According to the police, such book trick victims are sometimes also former members of such book clubs. There are also cases where the perpetrators were former employees of such book clubs.

The police spokeswoman pointed out that in such cases people with little internet contact should always consult their neighbours, family or acquaintances to be on the safe side or call a consumer protection center and inquire there.