Kitzingen/Volkach (dpa/lby) – After a penalty order against a man for a fatal hunting accident in Lower Franconia, the 33-year-old’s lawyer lodged an objection. So there will probably be a main hearing on the matter, said a spokeswoman for the Kitzingen District Court on Thursday. The Würzburg public prosecutor had applied for a fine of 150 daily rates of 70 euros for the 33-year-old. The district court then issued a penalty order against the accused for negligent homicide, as requested.

The man is said to have shot a deer from a high seat on January 6th during a drive hunt in Volkach (Kitzingen district). The animal was missed. According to the public prosecutor’s office, the projectile hit the frozen ground of the dirt road and hit the victim, who was in a neighboring hunting booth. The 78-year-old died. The prosecution alleges that the accused should not have fired a shot in the direction of the victim. The hunter knew that the 78-year-old was dangerously close.