Munich (dpa / lby) – The footballers of FC Bayern Munich want to start this year’s Bundesliga season with an exclamation mark. “We want to be dominant,” said coach Alexander Straus before the guest appearance of the runners-up at last year’s third Eintracht Frankfurt on Friday (7:15 p.m.). But the Norwegian team also has great respect for the Hessian team.

“We expect an opponent with a lot of individual quality and speed,” emphasized the coach on Wednesday. “We will have to fight for our space.”

For the newly signed English European champion Georgia Stanway, the game against Frankfurt will be Bayern’s first Bundesliga game. Defender Hanna Glas and midfielder Karolina Wilhjalmsdottir are injured. Goalkeeper Laura Benkarth, on the other hand, can take part in training again – but she will not be on the pitch against Eintracht yet.

Stanway, who has only been playing for Munich in Germany for five weeks, claims to have arrived very quickly. “The environment and the people here are special, but everyone made me very welcome,” said the 23-year-old. The team quickly gave her the confidence to implement her game on the pitch.