In late summer Carl Gustaf celebrates his 50th anniversary of the throne. But first of all, the health of the Swedish king has priority. That’s why the 76-year-old will have heart surgery next week.

Sweden’s King Carl XVI. Gustaf is operated on in the heart area. On the advice of his personal doctor, the 76-year-old will have a planned surgical procedure, a so-called keyhole operation, carried out next Monday, as the Swedish royal family has now announced.

“The King is feeling well and his official program up to the day of surgery is proceeding as planned,” the statement continued. After the operation, however, he will need some rest. Planned commitments in the following two weeks would therefore be postponed to a later date in spring.

Carl Gustaf celebrates his 50th anniversary of the throne in late summer. He ascended the throne in 1973 after the death of his grandfather, King Gustav VI. Adolf. His father, Gustav Adolf Hereditary Prince of Sweden, died in a plane crash in 1947 when Carl Gustaf was only nine months old.

A Scandinavian colleague has been on the throne a little longer than Carl Gustaf: Denmark’s Queen Margrethe II has been regent of her kingdom for over 51 years. She too will soon have to go to the hospital: The 82-year-old has been struggling with back problems for a long time, which is why she will be operated on on her back next Wednesday.