The Xinfadi market in the district of Fengtai, which supplies about 90 percent of the vegetables and fruits of the 20-million-metropolis, it was closed. In the context of eleven residential have been sealed off districts, as well as kindergartens and schools closed. Around 10’000 merchants and employees of the market to be tested.

investigators have traced the Virus to a hack Board back on the imported salmon was processed, as the head of the wholesale market, the Beijing newspaper “Beijing Qingnianbao” reported. The salmon was, again, another market for seafood. Many super markets took then imported salmon from their shelves. The Xinfadi large market is to be disinfected “comprehensive”. Other markets closed their doors to be investigated.

Previously, the national health Commission, the country had reported well over six local contagions – all in Beijing. The new cases are the first in Beijing since more than one and a half months. Four came from the Xinfadi market, on the then, the investigation concentrated. The now discovered 45 Infected, according to local media initially has no symptoms.

The newspaper Global Times cited experts who believe that the closure of the market is expected to affect the supply of the capital with food. The capital had been sealed off since the beginning of the pandemic in the city of Wuhan in Central China half a year ago, particularly protected and also more than other cities from the Rest of the country. The safety precautions were sharper than elsewhere, and only a few weeks ago loosened.