Andreu Buenafuente has publicly defended David Suárez.
He sat on the bench on Monday, November 29, accused of a crime of hatred for a joke on social networks.
The comedian was facing a possible 22-month prison sentence and more than 3,000 euros of a fine.

The origin of the controversy dates back to April 2019, when the humorist wrote on Twitter a message that caused him to say goodbye to the 40: “The other day they made me the best blowjob of my life. The secret was that the girl used many
Babas. Some advantage had to have Down syndrome. ”

Late Motiv started on Tuesday, November 30 with a message of support to the Galician, who had previously worked in the format.
His presenter shared: “We are going to make humor today here, knowing that in this country you can go to trial for a joke, either the joke, bad or unpleasant, but it is a joke. And a joke is fiction.”

The driver of the program # 0 concluded: “With this added responsibility, in case it did not already have enough, I want to show my support to the comedian, I repeat, comedian, David Suárez. And this is a personal opinion of mine, okay?”.

Suárez shared in his Twitter account the intervention he had been his boss, acknowledged that he was not expected and expressed his gratitude: “Okay, this I did not see him come. Thank you, Andreu”.

David Suárez was part of the Late Motiv team, but only appeared in three deliveries of the space of Movistar +.
The collaborator premiered in 2016 with a report of a visit to the Francisco Franco National Foundation.

The comedian returned to the program to show an interview with Dinio García.
On that occasion he proposed to Buenafuente who was dedicated to pornography and came to show him several covers of possible work in the world of adult cinema.
Among them was a ‘sex tape’ with Silvia Abril, wife of the presenter.

In his third and last intervention in the program, Suárez went to the driver of Late Motiv: “I think you suffer a case of SRMA, the rich Marichón elder syndrome.”
The aforementioned ended up saying goodbye, “Well, nothing, uncle, that you are very lucky in everything you do. Surely there will be some program out there. Now there are more offers, there are new channels … you can not miss the work”.

The humorist clarified in a time later why he did not follow in the format: “I did not like enough, he did not like what he was doing and stopped me. He became a bit rare, it was not a dismissal, but
A ‘we’re not going to call you’. It was not done too much. ”