The CCOO union has started today the three-day celebration of Confederal Congress to elect its Secretary General and mark the strategic lines of what will be its activity in the coming years.
Nobody doubts that Unai deaf, Secretary General, will be re-elected tonight.
Not even the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, which this morning has sent a message of greeting to the Finding Congress including Deaf congratulations.

The leader of the largest union in Spain by number of affiliates has been accompanied this morning personalities of the world of work, both in the academic field and in the institutional and politician.
The Second Vice President, Yolanda Díaz, has not attended, who has had one of the most faithful allies in Deaf in the office throughout his two years.
He has done it instead Nadia Calviño, with whom both the leader of CCOO and that of UGT, Pepe Álvarez, maintain front differences around labor and pension reforms or the rise in the minimum interprofessional salary.

Calviño has been careful in his speech.
Has underlined the role of those present in Congress when it comes to cumming the effects of the crisis and has done their strengths of the unions around a fair recovery, the demand that young people access housing, as well as
The need for strong public health and education.

He has not seconded, yes, the derogation message of labor reform by which both Pedro Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz competed last week.
Instead, he has appealed to responsibility to agree on a package of reforms to Europeize the labor market, achieve higher salaries and quality jobs.
“We have to achieve a balanced package for reform before the end of the year,” he has reminded them of them.

Although the negotiations directs Díaz from the Ministry of Labor, Calviño has marked its land in the struggle that maintains within the Government to preserve all the attributions that are supposed to be responsible for economic matters, including labor.
“We will bet on social dialogue and measures that have extensive support as a guarantee of rules that last over time,” he has warned.

The warning is a memory of what the European Union demands: a new labor framework agreed between unions and companies as a guarantee of stability.
CCOO and UGT indicate that the labor reform that today is the axis of labor regulation that was agreed in 2012 between government and employers without their validation and that, therefore, now should not be established as a necessary condition that the agreement is tripartite
, Granting the patronage “Right of Veto”.

The negotiations have been going on several weeks without great advances, as the CCOO itself recognized yesterday.
In general terms, there is agreement on reducing temporality but differences in modes to do so are more than substantial, for example in the suppression of construction contracts.
As a background movement is the trade union thrust to recover negotiation capacity in companies through collective agreements or return to the preeminence of sectoral agreements on business.

Deaf has remembered that, before the pandemic, negotiations on labor reform were in a “very advanced” state, especially in relation to collective bargaining.
However, with the Coronavirus “circumstances have changed” and also the times, with December as a deadline to present it to Brussels, which implies that the dialogue between the parties must conclude before.

“The Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) does not agree with the guidance of what we have spoken at the table, now we have to talk about hiring, dismissal and internal flexibility, when we have this negotiation closed, we have to see if they are given
The chances of reaching a tripartite agreement or not, “explained the leader of CCOO.

Negotiations for the reform should be ready by November 15 if they want to have guarantees that parliamentary processing allows the norm before January 1, as required by Brussels.
The reform of pensions, which the government negotiates with unions and employers, follows the same path.
Although the three parties have long known for months and deadlines, they will hurry up until the last minute.
The negotiating strategy that follow the parties in social dialogue has impossible to be able to achieve it before.

On the way to January 1, you should also treat a new increase in the minimum interprofessional salary (SMI), the Battle Horse of Díaz and the route chosen by the unions so that, in the absence of collective bargaining, salaries rise in companies
Calviño, which has come to despair the unions to the point that Deaf and Álvarez have manifested themselves to the door of their ministry, has set their hand, reminding them what they have achieved so far.
“The SMI has uploaded 30% up to 965 euros since we arrived at the government, the goal is to continue in this line but it is necessary to remember that it is already 1,125 euros in 12 pays, we should not underestimate it until now.”