If someone argues that Ramón Sáez Valcárcel arrives at the Constitutional Court as the fee of we can be difficult to refute him.
Before the constitutional, the magistrate was previously chosen for another position that depends on political negotiations: he was a vocal of the CGPJ for five years at the United Left Proposal, today incorporated into we can.

The opinions on the magistrate are concentrated in two areas: that it has a very high legal category and that a strong ideological burden is perceived in its resolutions.

64-year-old Madrid, Bachelor of Law and Information Sciences, Sáez has spent the last 15 years at the national audience, after going through the courts of Cádiz and Madrid.
The stage of him in the Council took him from 1996 to 2001.

At the national audience, there are numerous particular votes that they give account, according to their detractors, of their little legal waist.
He has been responsible for controversial presentations, among her who was absolved the accused of beshing the parliament.
In that judgment, revoked by the Supreme, he included phrases like the siege was “an act in defense of the Constitution”.

Another sentence of that sentence that allows you to see the guidance with which it will assume its position in the CT could be this: “When the expression and access channels are controlled by private means of communication, when sectors of society have
A great difficulty in being heard or to intervene in the political and social debate, is obliged to admit some excess in the exercise of freedoms of expression or demonstration if it is to provide a minimum of effectiveness to the protest and critical, as mechanisms of
Essential counterweight in a democracy that is based on pluralism, essential value, and promoting free equality of people and groups so that rights are real and effective, as stated by the Constitution. ”

In the memory of the audience, the judgment in which he rejected the terrorist character of Segi, the Youth Branch of ETA.
Also here the Supreme corrected him.

Saez reaches the constitutional without going through the Supreme, a ladder to which it had been postulated.
The legal category to make the leap is not in doubt.
Whoever the question can always be recalled that when the tests were called to obtain the criminal specialty he obtained the number one.