Three months after the beginning of the health crisis, as a part of health-care workers is back on the streets on Tuesday to demand more resources for the hospital. And while discussions are on-going in the framework of the “Ségur health”, launched on 25 may by the government and led by Nicole Notat, precisely to make the point on what needs to be in the area.

see also : “Segur of health”: a work explosive for the president Macron

This “national day of action” is being organized at the call of a broad-based coalition formed by the unions of the public service hospital (CGT, FO, SUD, Unsa,…) and several collective hospital (Inter-Hospital and Inter-Emergencies) become the spearhead of a mobilization of public hospitals started there over a year. There are elbow to elbow of nurses, students, doctors, teachers as specialist André Grimaldi, the figure of the struggle for public hospitals. The caregivers, in which the government has planned to pay tribute on July 14, calling for a “revaluation of wages” of 300 euros net monthly for all the hospital workers, a “recruitment plan” and “the judgment of all the closures of institutions, services and beds.”

While the caregivers of the private were before the crisis, remained at the margins of the mobilization, they could this time to join in.

new Fact: while the caregivers of the private were before the crisis, remained at the margins of the mobilization, they could this time to join in. “Our staff are not on strike before, but we have notice filed, for example, at the hospital Foch, one of our flagship products,” explains Antoine Perrin, director general of the Fehap, which includes establishments in the private sector, non-profit organizations. It is of intensivists, anaesthetists, emergency physicians… in short, staff who have suffered during the crisis of the Covid and that would be livid that there are improvements in salary for the public and not for them.” In fact, for the moment, the negotiations within the framework of “Segur” on the revaluations of the salary does not concern only the public sector, not the private.

see also : public Hospital: “The Covid serves as the magnifying glass on the flaws of our system”

Caen to Bordeaux, passing through Dunkirk, Toulon, Nancy, and Perpignan, dozens of protests are planned, primarily to health institutions or the prefectures. In Paris, an event is scheduled in the early after-noon, in front of the ministry of Health, the call of the CGT.

Even though there are some herds in the province, the movement remains very parisian and very focused on the AP-HP and its own inherent difficulties.

A hospital director in the province,

“Even though there are some herds in the province, the movement remains very parisian and very focused on the AP-HP and its own inherent difficulties, nuance, however, a hospital director in the province. While in region a nurse lives properly, in Paris it’s hard to stay. This is not giving them 300 euros more than it’s going to change. In contrast, the AP-HP which has a hold significant land, land, could build partnerships with offices, social HOUSING and housing to attract staff. But this is not done, because the AP-HP is always managed as a authority, and not as a business, what it is yet, but that some refuse by ideology.”

Cask of Danaides

The protesters are campaigning to end the pricing activity (T2A) in the public hospitals, which became their bête noire as it is accused of pushing inflation, acts to the detriment of the quality. However, the return of the overall budget of the past, renewed each year, and not adapt to variations in activity, is not a solution: this method of pricing creates a situation of annuity for hospitals with a low activity and did not allow those whose business proceeded to develop.

“Some great teachers parisians have the nostalgia of the 1970s and the global budget where they had carte blanche to treat him without regard to the cost, concludes a specialist of the health system. But this is no longer possible. The hospital became the barrel of the Danaides, we can’t pour more and more money without counterparties, without reforming the system.” A topic at the heart of the “Ségur”!

The editorial team conseilleLes seven plagues of the system hospitalierÀ Valenciennes, the caregivers at the controls of the hôpitalÉtablissements hospital: public and private time accounts”Free the hospital from the scourge of bureaucratic!”SujetsAndré GrimaldiHôpitalSégur of the santéSoignantsAP-HPHôpitaux of ParisManifestations1 commentaireSylvie A. 1the 15/06/2020 19:02

Total support! I can’t go demonstrate at their side, because of my work , but I’m 1000% with them. They deserve it and it is now time that they be heard ! The segur of health, it is a real crap as said Dr. Patrick Pelloux. With them !

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