can’t Really be surprised, the Federal AfD on the observation of the Brandenburg land Association for the protection of the Constitution with intelligence agents seriously. Finally, the Potsdam country had been thrown, the Chairman of Kalbitz but only recently because of the secretive contacts to extreme right – wing Milieu from the party-what prevented the country’s Association of taking him back into its ranks to include. The radical “wing” of the AfD is, in the view of the Brandenburg Constitution protection there “for a long time of the whole bird.”

this Is a harbinger? Crucial for the future of the party, not necessarily for their die-hard followers, but for Sympathetic and for their legal survival, it will be, how you deal mainly with racist tendencies. If people’s agitation is tolerated by officials, must the entire party be added. If people of other origin, particularly in Brandenburg, the cradle of Prussia – despicable be made, if the democratic state of law is rejected, then an observation is the least, what a party to expect.

This is not your basic legal freedoms, the right to equal opportunities, like currently back before the Federal constitutional court has shown. But of course this is a political Stigma from which, in turn, the AfD so far, well lived. The appeal of the Radical is your elixir. How long does it last?