For five years, between 23 and 28, Carlo Padial made therapy with Dr. Portondo.
Cuban exiled and a great follower of Jacobo Moreno, the creator of the psychodrama, Portundo was fascinated by Freud and used to insult the patients of him, whom he called “commemied” or “shit” and sometimes kicked out of the consultation.
Other times he lay himself in the couch and explained him the problems of him.
The schizophrenics and psychotics were his favorites.
Padial and many others changed their lives.

More than a doctor, Portuondo was a guru of psychoanalysis, a “detective of the unconscious”.
He died without being able to fulfill him, who was to return to his long-await Santiago de Cuba.
In 2017, Padial wrote a kind of focused memories on his five years of therapy entitled Doctor Portundo (Blackie Books) where his neurosis turned: inability to relate to others, low self-esteem, the feeling of never being interesting enough, sophisticated and cool
… In short, a book about how difficult it is to become greater and live.

Now the series arrives, the first one that produces Filmin, directed by the patio itself and that since its premiere last Friday has already achieved a whole milestone: to be the most viewed in the history of Filmin.
Starring Nacho Sánchez, who interprets a version of Carlo himself prodigally, and by a volcanic Jorge Perugorria on the role of Portundo, the series has luxury high schools as Berto Romero (who plays a commercial obsessed with flirting at the furniture fair
of Valencia), Olivia Delcán on the role of the also neurotic (ex) Bride of Carlo and Carlos de Diego, who, besides being a comender, was also a patient of Portundo and in the series interprets a Sibarita de la Bella Easo who participates in
The psychodrama sessions.

Padial we know him for his viral videos, pills where he usually exploits his anguish in the manner of a modern Woody Allen, and his appearances at Late Motiv next to Andreu Buenafuente.
He wrote and directed the movies my crazy Erasmus and something very fat, two examples of what the criticism agreed to call “post-humor”, but Doctor Portundo is, let’s say it like that, more classically formally despite the deliriousness of many of his situations.
“In the book I tried to do something very overwhelming and fun, until the titles of each chapter had to be hilarious, but I think the series has another point. I am calmer now, less overwhelmed by money and in recent years everything
He has gone better, “sums up.

In the series, Carlo feels a need to impress Doctor Portondo and be obsessed with entertaining his therapist instead of healing, so he lies.
“According to psychoanalysis, a healthy person is able to count his own story, but what happens when you think that your story is not worthwhile?”, Possies Padial, who has recreated the sessions in a consultation with wooden walls,
Carpets and sofas that creak, as in a sensory trip to the twentieth century.
“One of the most alive memories I have of therapy, as I was getting into it, it is that of the Free Association, which is to speak without censorship to access the unconscious. When you are there, the consultation has just been looking for something fictitious
, like a decoration. And you go touched, I would say even a little placed. ”

The series, as if of a session were treated, starts with absurd humor, go through times of terror (there is a scene that is very the tenant chimeric) and ends with a reality bath that is pure tenderness.
“What saves you in the end is to be critical with yourself. Also compassion, finding the imperfection in all of us. That although you are misanthrope face abroad, the desire to connect, despite everything. That is what he taught me
Portundo. The last time I saw him I made a very long interview that is hanging on YouTube and asked him: What is life? I answered what he says in the series: ‘Life is this: You and me, here and

Doctor Portondo is many things: a romantic psychocomedia with humor and bergmanian winks, an endearing satire about the neurosis of an overly self-conscious generation and also a stimulating exercise of dissemination on therapy and psychoanalysis. “Portundo was able to convert psychoanalysis into something simple, he knew how to translate to Freud to the Latin Spirit,” says Padial. The Cuban also thought that Spain is an antipsy-analytical country for the weight of religion and muddiness to share conflicts outside the family. “I also believe that in Spain psychoanalysis it is still seen as an exoticism,” says Padial. “Until the cultured people he vesned him without having read it too much, he always pulls a few topics of Freud, who are the same, but very few have taken the trouble to read the interpretation of dreams or Totem and taboo or something of Melanie Klein. I am an idiot, I approach things by momentum, not from an intellectual level, and psychoanalysis attracted me from an aesthetic point of view. I found it sophisticated, something I wanted to be part of. The fact of That it was a therapy that gives you so much power to the word I seemed pretty, I could fit with me, “he confesses.

“In Spain, in general, there is a distrust towards everything that distilles intelligence, that is why most comedians become fools with a different voice than that it touches when, in fact, the humorist is always the most ready to
The room “, reflects.
“It’s something cultural, here is appreciated ‘simple’, ‘campangana’. I personally do not want the artists to I admire any of that. If you approach them it’s because your ideas get your head, you
They make things see otherwise. ”