The Spanish musician Nacho Cano rejected any current request for Spaniards to apologize for the conquest that 500 years ago happened in Mexico, however, celebrates the country with a musical that seeks to vindicize the history of the historical character of Malinche.

“Maybe we are we who have to ask for forgiveness to those who come in 500 years for how we left the planet, but we ask for forgiveness for what other people did 500 years ago because it does not make sense,” said Cano at a press conference since

The former member of the famous band Mecano, highlighted how important it is to do a reflection on the environment in relation to issues such as water and pollution, and said it is precisely about today about what people should focus their attention to power
Claim who deserves it.

The controversy on forgiveness began in March 2019, when Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador asked for the King of Spain Felipe VI and Pope Francis who apologize for the indigenous people for the conquest of Mexico, something in what is still insisting

At the time, the Government of Spain considered that “the arrival 500 years ago from the Spaniards to the current Mexican lands can not be judged in the light of contemporary considerations.”

Instead, Pope Francis sent a letter on September 27 in which he recognized “the mistakes of the past” and reiterated his request for “forgiveness for personal and social sins” committed by the Church during the conquest and evangelization of the current Mexico

For his part, Cano focuses on enjoying looking at the good things that this cultural fusion brought before thinking about the negative, and it was precisely that which led him to make “malinche” an ode to the country, who considers his second house.

For ten years, Cano performed an exhaustive research on the history of Malinalli, a woman of origin Nahua who was given to the Conqueror Hernán Cortés by stepping on the territory that now occupies Mexico.

Later it was his translator, his lover and the woman who brought him from the hand to the victory over Moctezuma in Tenochtitlan, where he is currently based on Mexico City.

The above generated that over the years the Malinche was indicated as a traitera de la Patria.

“(The musical) leads as the central figure to the character of the Malinche independent of its artistic and aesthetic values and that allows to vindicate the figure of that extraordinary woman to analyze one of the most important moments of the Mexican nation,” said Archaeologist Pedro Francisco
Sánchez Nava, who was present at the conference.

Cano was surrounded by experts on the subject to be able to carry out a Broadway overproduction starring Melissa Barrera and that will arrive in Spain on February 26 to later continue towards Mexico.

“We want to give him the place he deserves (Malinche). The musical is a celebration of Mexico, it has been a wonderful adventure. (…) I have tried that my legacy, beyond my Songs of Mecano, be this musical
“He assured Cano.

The project is accompanied by a documentary of the process that Cano performed to create the musical that is already available in Netflix under the name ‘the creation of Malinche’, a film led by Martha Hermida.