The PP is “watchful” and it will not let even one.
The National Directorate of the Party and the Autonomous Barons have been launched in a total offensive against the Government to denounce and demand explanations for the “finger distribution” of European funds to privilege autonomous communities with PSOE governments.

The Judicial Battle open this Wednesday by the Community of Madrid and the protest actions raised by Galicia extend to the rest of the autonomies governed by the PP, which have also raised the voice and have claimed explanations to Pedro Sánchez.
In addition, more than a hundred popular mayors are also being involved in this offensive.

Isabel Díaz Ayuso challenged the Supreme Court a departure of funds of nine million euros for the promotion of employment in the Valencian Community, Navarra, Extremadura and the Basque Country.
The Community of Madrid denounced that “sectarian and partisan criteria” have been followed because in the four regions the PSOE participates in its governments – in the first three presiding them and in the fourth forming part of the coalition executive.

Similarly, the president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, sent a requirement to the Moncloa to annul the decree for “unjustly favoring” those autonomies to the detriment of all the others.

This formal requirement, which is the administrative route prior to undertaking legal action, is the formula that the presidents of Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, and the Region of Murcia, Fernando López Miradas, have been assumed, to give the battle and protest
So it is considered a “partisan” distribution.
For the part of it, Juanma Moreno is still thinking about Andalusia, while she sends notices that she is going to act in an “relentless” way if the community of her was harmed.

The strategy of Mañueco and López Looks, like that of Feijóo, will be first exhausted the “political ways” before engaging in a judicial battle.
“The ideological and political affinity criterion should not be the way of behaving,” he justified this Thursday morning after giving the order to send the requirement prior to the government.

The president of the Board of Castile and Leon pointed out that “imbalances in the cast” are a “very serious” issue.
“We consider it as an attack and logically we will defend ourselves,” he said, so if there is no satisfactory response from Moncloa, he will go to court courts.

President Murciano, López Miradas, has already presented his fears that there was a discretionary use against Sánchez during a conference of presidents.
“Since Supy Round Ivan would be in charge of distributing European funds publicly denounced that it would be a partisan distribution based on the interests of Sánchez,” he said on Thursday.
He now joins the offensive.

Sources of the Murcian presidency say that they have started “all the previous administrative requirements to denounce the treatment of favor. If this route does not come, of course, we will go to justice.”

Andalusia has also been revolved to criticize the situation, but it has not yet decided how to act: if you will present a formal complaint, if you will go directly to the courts or if you will wait.
No way is discarded right now, while warning that “it will not allow” to occur from any point of view a “impairment” to Andalusia, reports Chema Rodríguez.

Thus, Moreno assured that it will be “implacable” so that no euro arrives less than corresponds to him.
The President of the Board warned that if the region is mallared, he will use the judicial way to defend “the interests of the Andalusians”.

In this context, the leader of the PP, Pablo Married, endorsed this Thursday that popular barons and mayors mobilize to stop a management of European funds that, in their opinion, is a “scandal”.
“Unfortunately, it was seen coming: the government is handing out the aid for what the PP proposed transparency and an independent agency. It is clientelism and can lead to corruption and irregular practices,” he said in antenna 3.

More than a year ago that Married raised Sánchez the creation of an independent authority to control the distribution of funds, but the president of the government closed in band.
Likewise, the popular ones claimed that the Congress of the Deputies could lead to an exhaustive control and audit the destination of money, for example, by convening periodic appearances to give maximum transparency or accessing the details of the distribution.
But it is something that has also been rejected by the PSOE.

Despite the obstacles, the PP has decreed maximum surveillance on European funds by doubts that they are employed effectively and have commissioned the leader Elvira Rodríguez the coordination of this control task.

At the same time, Genoa blesses that the autonomies and town halls act as they create convenient to ensure transparency and ensure that there is a “fair and balanced” distribution and that does not give rise to partisan uses or treatment.
The first alert has already jumped.