The report that validated the preliminary draft law by the right to housing approved by the Government of Pedro Sánchezha failed on Friday in the full Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ).

According to legal sources, after more than two hours of deliberation, the vowels have voted on a first “amendment to the whole” presented against the presentation of Vocal Álvaro Cuesta, who advocated declaring the law of Pedro Sánchez “an adequate normative instrument
To consecrate and give content the right to housing. ”

A total of 15 vowels have voted in favor of the amendment drafted by Vocal Enrique Lucas, who considered that the legal text violated the autonomous competences on housing issue and made a “mere description of the preliance” of the draft law.

This majority support for the Lucas Amendment has caused the initial report proposal to the Legal Text – has been invalidated and that it is difficult to give the wording of it to other Directors.

Most vowels, both from the progressive group and conservative of the Government Body of judges, have not shared the conclusion of Álvaro’s report costs on the competence title, which implies that multiple issues of it should now be reworked.

The vowels José Antonio Ballestero and Enrique Lucas himself will be new reporters.
The new document will be discussed by the Plenary on the next day 27, which irremediably delays the government’s plans to bear the preliminary draft Council of Ministers next Tuesday.
The Council’s report is mandatory but not binding.

For its part, the cost presentation argued that the text of the legal preliminary draft aimed to ensure compliance with this right on equal terms for all Spanish citizens, “without prejudice to the skills that the autonomous communities are attributed on the subject.”

However, the amendment submitted by Lucas, who has triumphed in full, argued that the preliminary draft Law of Housing of Sánchez, under the premise that it regulates a fundamental right, violates the powers attributed by autonomies.

The seven-page amendment, to which the world has had access, collects that the proposal of slope “evidences an artificial attraction to the state sphere of the complete and exhausting management of a subject that Article 148.1.3 of the Constitution left
Disposition of the autonomous communities for, thus, to impose a model of intense public intervention in housing that makes it unrecognizable the configuration of property rights containing the valid civil legislation. ”

Similarly, it explains that “its difficult articulation with the current regional housing laws will be problematic to the detriment of legal certainty in such a sensitive matter.”

They have voted in favor of these allegations, the president of the CGPJ Carlos Lesmes, and the Vowels Roser Bach, José Antonio Ballestero, Angeles Carmona, Victoria Cinto, Nuria Díaz, Juan Manuel Fernández, Rafael Fernández Valverde, Vicente Guillare, Enrique Lucas, Carmen Llombart
, José María Macías, Juan Martínez Moya, Gerardo Martínez Tristán and Wenceslao Olea.

For his part, the initial presentation of Álvaro Cuesta has had the support of the vowels from the Progressive Sector Pilar Sepúlveda, Mar Cabrejas, Clara Martínez de Careaga, Rafa Mozo and Concepción Sáez.

After knowing that the CGPJ has decided to postpone its report on the State Housing Law until the plenary session of January 27, in United Can we be concerned about unjustifiable delays to a law that has to respond to the housing emergency that lives our

This law, which “allows for the first time the regulation of rentals in areas with registered markets, puts brake evictions without alternative housing for vulnerable families or prohibits the sale of protected housing”, is one of the star laws of the purple
And it has been negotiated first person by the Minister of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, Ione Belarra.