Catalan students will go on strike successively in high school and colleges during the 27th and 29th of September. “Against repression and for the right to decide”, the different acronyms convening coincide. High school students are called to the dole on the 27th and 28th; The university students, on their side, on 28 and 29 September. In any case, the big day of the great mobilization is expected the 28th, when empty the classrooms and converge in the street all the student community.
“We convene on different days but with a common one to give unity to the schools but in such a way that the struggles are not fade.” “High schoolers want to give their claim space because they are the future but they cannot exercise the right to vote,” explains Mercè Terés, spokesman for the Catalan Students ‘ Union (SEPC). The student union, for its part, has also called for emptying the classrooms against the “unprecedented crackdown on the democratic rights of the Catalan people.” The great act of student mobilization is expected next Thursday at the Universitat de Barcelona Square.
The students have already raised their voices in the last few days in favor of the consultation and to condemn the records and detentions of the Guardia Civil in several offices of the Generalitat. In fact, about 300 university students occupied last Friday the historical building of the University of Barcelona (UB), in the heart of the Catalan capital, in defense of the referendum. The students overnighted there and on Sunday distributed hundreds of thousands of ballots — one million, according to themselves — and printed posters for the consultation during the leisure day in support of the 1-or that took place throughout Catalonia.
Last Thursday, also in the framework of the campaign acts in favour of the referendum, the civic Square of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) was filled with thousands of students convened by the Platform universities by the Republic, which brings together unions and Student associations favorable to the right to decide. During the parliaments, the deputy of Podem, Joan Giner, among others, already encouraged the students to empty the classrooms and occupy the streets.